Publications authored by Kruawun Jankaew

Environmental DNA signatures distinguish between tsunami and storm deposition in overwash sand

Wenshu Yap, Adam Switzer, Chris Gouramanis, Dale Dominey-Howes, Ezequiel Marzinelli, Federico M. Lauro, et al.
06/2021 Communications Earth & Environment 2

Elemental and mineralogical analysis of marine and coastal sediments from Phra Thong Island, Thailand: Insights into the provenance of coastal hazard deposits

Tien Dat Pham, Adam Switzer, Brian G. Jones, Charles Martin Rubin, Chris Gouramanis, Kruawun Jankaew, et al.
03/2017 Marine Geology 385

High-frequency Coastal Overwash Deposits from Phra Thong Island, Thailand

Chris Gouramanis, Adam Switzer, Charles S. Bristow, Kruawun Jankaew, Sorvigenaleon R. Ildefonso, & Tien Dat Pham
03/2017 Scientific Reports 7

Ground penetrating radar examination of thin tsunami beds - A case study from Phra Thong Island, Thailand

Chris Gouramanis, Adam Switzer, Charles Martin Rubin, Charles S. Bristow, Harry M. Jol, Ildefonso Sorvigenal Ramos, et al.
Sedimentary Geology 329

Thin-bed Ground-Penetrating Radar analysis of preserved modern and palaeotsunami deposits from Phra Thong Island, Thailand

Chris Gouramanis, Adam Switzer, Charles Martin Rubin, Charles S. Bristow, Kruawun Jankaew, Tien Dat Pham, et al.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar

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