Publications authored by Kyaw Moe Oo

GNSS characterization of hydrological loading in South and Southeast Asia

Kathryn Materna, AKM Khorshed Alam, Aktarul Ahsan, Emma M. Hill, Eric O. Lindsey, Kyaw Moe Oo, et al.
10/2020 Geophysical Journal International

On the glacial-interglacial variability of the Asian monsoon in speleothem delta O-18 records

Guangxin Liu, Hai Cheng, Hong-Wei Chiang, Kyaw Moe Oo, Lin Thu Aung, Phyo Maung Maung, et al.
02/2020 Science Advances 6 7

A comprehensive assessment of ground motions from two 2016 intra-slab earthquakes in Myanmar

Lin Thu Aung, G Suresh, Kaung Sithu, Khaing Nyein Htay, Kyaw Moe Oo, Myo Aung, et al.
08/2019 Tectonophysics 765

A 3-D Shear Wave Velocity Model for Myanmar Region

Xin Wang, Anna Foster, Bor-Shouh Huang, Judith Hubbard, Kyaw Moe Oo, Paramesh Banerjee, et al.
01/2019 Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth 124

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