Publications authored by Marie Etchebes

Tsunami earthquakes: Vertical pop-up expulsion at the forefront of subduction megathrust: Reply to Commentary

Nugroho Hananto, Frédérique Leclerc, Hélène Carton, Linlin Li, Marie Etchebes, Paul Tapponnier, et al.
03/2021 Earth and Planetary Science Letters 557

Tsunami earthquakes: Vertical pop-up expulsion at the forefront of subduction megathrust

Nugroho Hananto, Frédérique Leclerc, Hélène Carton, Linlin Li, Marie Etchebes, Paul Tapponnier, et al.
05/2020 Earth and Planetary Science Letters 538

A composite rupture model for the great 1950 Assam earthquake across the cusp of the East Himalayan Syntaxis

Aurélie Coudurier-Curveur, Ç Karakaş, Elise Kali, Emile Okal, Jerome Van der Woerd, Marie Etchebes, et al.
02/2020 Earth and Planetary Science Letters 531

Earthquake-bound ponded sediments as a high-resolution archive of Anthropocene climate in the arid Fuyun region of northwestern China

Stephen Chua, Adam Switzer, Christos Gouramanis, G Hancock, Marie Etchebes, Mingxing Gao, et al.
04/2016 European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2016

Post‐earthquake aggradation processes to hide surface ruptures in thrust systems: The M8.3, 1934, Bihar‐Nepal earthquake ruptures at Charnath Khola (Eastern Nepal)

Magali Rizza, A Bitri, Bes de Berc, Çağil Karakaş, Dilli Ram Tiwari, Elise Kali, et al.
07/2019 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

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