
Film Director


Liz Courtney is an international speaker, film director, educator and a senior marketing communications director who changed her stilettos for snow boots to travel the world to direct a series on climate change. In this process, she initiated several innovative digital media projects under her umbrella, Youth4Planet. To direct her series on climate change, The Tipping Points, she worked with leading scientists from NASA and IPCC. Liz has given keynote speeches in Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Australia.

Some of her films include Cool School Antarctica, which played on Nickelodeon, NHK Japan, Discovery Canada, CCTV China and NITV Australia; the Discovery HD series Monumental Vision; and Sculpture by the Sea for ABC Australia.

Liz has also helped take the first two indigenous youth to Antarctica and organised for the first indigenous girl from Western Australia to represent the country in the Arctic Youth Council in Greenland in 2015. Liz is a chair member for the Women’s Advisory Board in Australia for the LBW Trust, which supports girls and women in impoverished communities rise up through education. Some of her other philanthropic pursuits include being the general manager at Cartwright Williams Communications, the head of brand strategy at Evolve Group and more. She was awarded as one of the 100 Women Of Influence in Australia by the Australian Financial Review and Westpac in 2015 for her work on climate change education.

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