Phuket Disaster Resilience Project
he Phuket Disaster Resilience Project aims to create a safe and resilient Phuket in support of a thriving economy and local communities. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and earthquake that impacted the island of Phuket both economically and socially in the years that followed.
A team of scientists from the Earth Observatory assessed the risks posed by earthquakes and tsunamis and current levels of preparedness in Phuket. Since its inception in 2016, the PDRF has also initiated the School Outreach and Digital Inventory projects.
School Outreach Project

The School Outreach aims to build disaster awareness in the community. The initial round of training was led by professional trainers from the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DPM) Phuket, as well as members from the DPM Academy. Thus far, the PDRF has successfully trained more than 2,400 students between the age of eight and 12 across 20 schools, and has secured ongoing funding to instruct subsequent batches of students.
Digital Inventory Project
This project aims to create an integrated inventory of all response equipment on Phuket island and develop a real-time asset-tracking platform available to Phuket’s Incident Command Centre (ICC) and other stakeholders using GPS and RFID technologies. Having led the geoscience and initial analyses, on-the-ground coalition and the success of initial projects, the team from the Earth Observatory of Singapore will facilitate the transition process to local stakeholders.