Infrasound Monitoring System
The infrasound monitoring system employed by the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) was first used to monitor volcanic eruptions in Indonesia. This monitoring system detects low-frequency sound waves, and the data collected provides information on the location and explosivity of the eruption, allowing our scientists to determine the impact of volcanic ash on air traffic in and around Singapore.
Data from the infrasound monitoring network contributes to the tsunami early warning system, as it can detect sound waves from the tsunami source well before the tsunami waves reach the coastline.
EOS is currently developing its capacity of infrasound monitoring in Singapore. The first part of its infrasound system was installed in Singapore in August, 2013, to monitor distant volcanic eruptions. The station caught the infrasound signal from the Kelut volcano eruption in February, 2014.
This system, which can detect very low frequency sound waves in the air, provides very useful information for the early warning of distant volcanic eruptions. Data collected by the Infrasound system provides independent and rapid diagnosis of the location, and the explosivity of an eruption event before volcanic ash may influence air traffic around Singapore.
This system also has potential applications for geothermal exploration and the monitoring of mining activities.
EOS scientists are now working closely with other international research institutes on the infrasound monitoring systems. Given our close relationships with infrasound experts around the world, we have the ability to install and operate the Infrasound system. EOS also has the capacity to process and analyse the data.

The CGO team alongside EOS researchers in a boat on the way back from Infrasound station services in MacRitchie Reservoir, Singapore (Source: Anna Perttu, 2021)

The CGO team replacing solar panels to improve the power system in MacRitchie, Singapore (Source: Chulalak Sundod, 2021)

Infrasound instrument box in MacRitchie Reservoir, Singapore (Source: Wong Siow Kay, 2020)

A CGO staff assessing the infrasound instrument after conducting maintenance work (Source: Pyae Sone Aung, 2020)

The CGO team unloading equipment for power upgrades in MacRitchie Reservoir (Source: Chulalak Sundod, 2021)

Inside an instrument box for infrasound system at Mt Marapi, Indonesia (Source: Wong Siow Kay, 2019)

Infrasound installation on Krakatau, Indonesia (Source: Wong Siow Kay, 2019)

Anna Pertu and Dannie Hidayat working on infrasound installation on Krakatau, Indonesia (Source: Wong Siow Kay, 2019)

Solar panels connected to power stations for a power upgrade of the infrasound stations at MacRitchie, Singapore (Source: Anna Perttu, 2019)

In a boat on MacRitchie Reservoir for a power upgrade of the infrasound stations at MacRitchie, Singapore (Source: Anna Perttu, 2019)

In a boat on MacRitchie Reservoir for a power upgrade of the infrasound stations at MacRitchie, Singapore (Source: Anna Perttu, 2019)

Reading and collecting data from infrasound station at MacRitchie (Source: Anna Perttu, 2019)

Research Associate Anna Pertu with the infrasound set-up in MacRitchie (Source: Benoit Taisne, 2016)

Assistant Professor Benoit Taisne with infrasound equipment at the top of Bukit Timah, 2013 (Source: Benoit Taisne)

Researchers conducting a test run on an infrasound station at the top of Bukit Timah, 2013 (Source: Benoit Taisne)