The Ratu River Expedition, a documentary on earthquakes in Nepal, has won several awards at film festivals around the world. Most recently, the 25-minute film won a Platinum Remi prize at the WorldFest-Houston International Film and Video Festival held in April 2016. It also been screened in more than 10 film festivals worldwide.
Directed by Professor Isaac Kerlow from the Earth Observatory of Singapore’s Art+Media group, this documentary follows the research of Assistant Professor Judith Hubbard and her Structural Geology group. The group collaborates with Nepal’s Department of Mines and Geology to uncover the fault activities responsible for the earthquakes that have struck the region over the past 700 years.
In an interview with The Straits Times, Prof Kerlow said that the documentary is “a great opportunity to bring this great research to the people of Nepal to help them better understand how the fault behaves and to be aware of the issues.”
Originally in English, The Ratu River Expedition is also available with Nepali-subtitles. Both versions are available on Vimeo.