Event Type: Symposium
Date: 29-30 November 2023
Location: Singapore

**For official updates and information about the symposium, including registrations and programme, please visit https://apruhaz2023.cventevents.com This webpage will no longer be updated.**
About the event: The 18th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium 2023 is organised and hosted by the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in collaboration with the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). The theme for this year is “Advancing Frontiers in Disaster Risk Science, Technology and Policy”.
The symposium format bridges both the traditional conference style and activities that allow for more interactive dialogue. The overall programme includes plenary keynote talks, networking sessions around posters, and breakout sessions clustered into six umbrella topics.
In line with the EOS’ mission statement to work toward safer and more sustainable societies, our symposium is committed to the following values:
- Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all participants from the APRU, partner universities, wider community and beyond
- Leveraging Singapore’s unique location as a leader in global innovation and EOS’ diverse research profile
- Creating a unique platform and creative avenue for active collaboration
- Engaging communities at the intersection of science, industry, and the public
You are invited to join the network of the APRU community and beyond. Whether you are a researcher, educator, practitioner, student or more, we welcome you to this platform for facilitating idea exchange, dynamic collaboration and potential opportunities for projects.
This year, participants can anticipate discussions and presentations to be centred around the following umbrella topics:
- Climate Hazards
- Tectonic Hazards
- Public Health & Environmental Hazards
- Economic Resilience: Finance & Risk
- Strategies for Socioecological Resilience
- Managing Risk
Event Chair Committee:
The 18th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium event is co-chaired by-
For any questions regarding the event, please direct all enquiries to eos@ntu.edu.sg.
Session Description:
The symposium’s core activity will consist of 90-min breakout sessions throughout the days. These breakout sessions will run in parallel in three separate meeting rooms. Sessions will be dedicated to a specific subtopic encompassing 1 of 6 umbrella topics. Activities include:
- Presentation Section
60 minutes of presentations, with session titles allocated by the scientific program committee after abstract submission. This will include 10-minutes of talks and moderated Q&A per presentation.
- Roundtable Discussion Section
30 minutes will be allocated for the roundtable section. Roundtables involve a series of problem statements relevant to the session titles provided to participants. Conveners will facilitate and direct the discussion.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: 12 September
Acceptance Notification: 15 September
Early Bird Registration: 15 September to 15 October
Regular Registration: 16 October to 1 November
NTU@one-north, Singapore.
Call for Questions for Roundtable Discussions:
We are soliciting questions for roundtable discussions, which will focus on the theme of the symposium: "Advancing Frontiers in Disaster Risk Science, Technology and Policy"
- Climate Hazards
- Tectonic Hazards
- Public Health & Environmental Hazards
- Economic Resilience: Finance & Risk
- Strategies for Socioecological Resilience
- Managing Risk
Example questions:
How can scientists and researchers help build climate resilience through technology?
How can policy makers, scientists, researchers work together to protect the public's health against environmental hazards?
If you have questions that you'd like to be answered, please submit them here: https://bit.ly/3s2YXq2
We'll also be sharing answers to some questions. Stay tuned!
Call for Abstracts:
Theme: Advancing Frontiers in Disaster Risk Science, Technology and Policy
- Climate Hazards
- Tectonic Hazards
- Public Health & Environmental Hazards
- Economic Resilience: Finance & Risk
- Strategies for Socioecological Resilience
- Managing Risk
Abstract Format: 200-250 word limit
Please note that the abstract submission is free.
Abstract submission is now closed, thank you for your interest and participation in the event.
Attendance at the symposium will require registration (please see Important Dates for more details). Event registration is subject to fees.
Presentations format:
Talk: Allocated time is 10 minutes. We recommend a 7-minute presentation followed by a 3-minute Q&A session.
Poster: A0, landscape orientation
Registration and Fees:
Regular Registration is open until 1 November.
Register through the event website at https://apruhaz2023.cventevents.com
Please note that the amounts are to be paid in $SGD.

* Reduced Fees and Early Career Researcher (ECR) Waivers are only applicable to participants from institutions located in low to middle income nations.
** Please note that to qualify for Reduced Fees / ECR waivers, participants will be required to submit proof of current residence/institutional affiliation.
Definition of Early Career Researchers (ECR): students and scientists who are <10 years from receiving their PhD. A photo of your staff/student card or other proof of employment will be necessary to provide during registration as justification.
Definition of participants from low to middle income nations: Participants attending or affiliated to an institution located in a nation listed in the World Bank database list of low-middle income countries here.
Support Fund for Early-Career Researchers (ECRs):
In addition to fee waivers, we are pleased to announce the Early Career Research Travel Grant. The grant aims to support a number of eligible ECRs from lower to middle income countries. Successful and selected applicants will be able to claim grants of up to SGD$1000 per participant to support their travel costs.
- Must be an Early-Career Researcher (students, and scientists who are <10 years from receiving their PhD)
- Priority will be given to applicants affiliated with, or attending, an institution located in a low-middle income nation
- A short write up (300 words maximum, explaining how the applicant’s career would benefit from coming to the symposium)
Applicants will be required to submit proof of current institutional affiliation, as well as a photo of their staff/student card or other proof of employment to determine eligibility.
Application process:
Applications are now closed.
Successful applicants have been notified of their awarded claimable amount.
Lightning Talks Competition for Early-Career Researchers (ECRs):
In addition to presenting their abstract in the form of posters or talks, ECRs are invited to participate in the Lightning Talks competition that will take place during the Symposium. Registered participants will have the opportunity to present their research during a 3-min presentation (1 slide).
Members of the Symposium Science Committee will judge the presentations, select and announce the winners during the Symposium.
Additional field visits and accommodation
Please refer to the event website https://apruhaz2023.cventevents.com