Dhrubajyoti Samanta (Dhruba) is a climate scientist with a passion for exploring the dynamics of the coupled climate system, and their changes in response to anthropogenic climate change. His main research interest lies in climate modelling (regional and global), sea level changes, climate dynamics, monsoon, and ENSO teleconnections.
Dhruba is presently working as a Senior Research Fellow at the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS). His major focus in EOS is to understand the role of ocean dynamics in sea level projection in Southeast Asia. Concurrently he is a Co-I of a project “Evolving tropical cyclone tracks and associated rainfall patterns over Southeast Asia” at EOS. Dhruba is also a Research Affiliate at CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
Dhruba is a member (2023-2025) of CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel. He is also a nominated expert member of Ocean Decades Vision 2030 (Group 5) and a member of Fresh Eyes on CMIP.
Three of Dhruba’s recent first authored publications are cited in IPCC sixth assessment report WGI.
For a complete list of Dhruba’s publications, please click here.
His ResearchGate profile can be viewed here.