Global Common Era sea-level
This new global database contains 1344 sea-level index points derived from multi-proxy evidence to delimit global sea-level (GSL) trends over the past ~3000 years. The database is organized alphabetically by region and includes latitude and longitude of all study sites together with the original reference and type of indicators used. The position of former relative sea-level is provided together with vertical (±1σ) and temporal (±2σ) uncertainties.
GSL varied by ∼±8 cm over the pre-Industrial Common Era, with a notable decline over 1000–1400 CE coinciding with ∼0.2 °C of global cooling. The 20th-century rise was extremely likely faster than during any of the 27 previous centuries. Semiempirical modeling indicates that, without global warming, GSL in the 20th century very likely would have risen by between −3 cm and +7 cm, rather than the ∼14 cm observed.