
How the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Shaped Scientific Research in Southeast Asia

This short documentary highlights some strides made by researchers from EOS and their Indonesian collaborators in bettering our understanding of earthquake and tsunami hazards in Southeast Asia.

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Antarctica – The Giant Awakens

The Antarctica – The Giant Awakens documentary follows EOS scientists as they embark on a research expedition to understand the impacts that a frozen land thousands of kilometres from Singapore could have on sea-level rise this century.

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Polar Impact Asia

The Polar Impact Asia documentary follows EOS scientists as they travel to Norway to better understand the threats of the changing polar region on Singapore and Southeast Asia.

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Climate Impact Asia

The Climate Impact Asia documentary series looks at the critical impacts of our changing climate systems on one of the most vulnerable regions in the world – Southeast Asia.

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Can climate change cause tsunamis in Alaska?

In early 2020, scientists warned that a landslide-generated tsunami produced by an unstable mountain slope could potentially occur along the

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Introduction to the Southeast Asia SEA-Level (SEA2) Program

This video introduces the five objectives of the Southeast Asia SEA-Level (SEA²) Program.

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The Consequences of Breaching the Paris Agreement Pledge

In the video below, Professor Benjamin Horton discusses the consequences of breaching the Paris Agreement Pledge.

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Mw 7.8 Alaska Earthquake and hazards in Southeast Asia

Assistant Professor Aron Meltzner discusses the Mw 7.8 Alaska earthquake that struck on 22 July 2020, and how it is reminiscent of similar hazards in Southeast Asia.

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How Greenland Ice Melt Could Impact Sea-Level Rise in Southeast Asia

PhD Student Fangyi Tan explains how ice melt in Greenland could impact sea-level rise in Southeast Asia.

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Is it necessary to sensationalise science?

In an effort to convey the urgency of climate change, media outlets may turn to sensationalising scientific findings.

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Surveying Damage After Typhoon Hato

During a field survey in Macau and Zhuhai, PhD student Constance Chua sees the better side of humanity as victims of Typhoon Hato recover.

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After the Gorkha Earthquake - Damage Assessment In Nepal

Can post-disaster damage assessment be improved?

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Monitoring tectonic activity through the Myanmar Seismic Network

One year and 30 seismic stations later, the Centre for Geohazard Observations at the Earth Observatory of Singapore is gathering data from the Myanmar Seismic Network to monitor tectonic activity in the region.

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Looking at Santorini's Crystals

Do you know that the amount of magma produced by one of Santorini’s eruptions was large enough to blanket Singapore with more than fourteen metres of magma?

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Professor Horton for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Professor Benjamin Horton from the Earth Observatory of Singapore has been selected as a review editor for the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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EOS Knowledge Capsule: Forensic Volcano Petrology

This Knowledge Capsule summarises the ongoing research of Associate Professor Fidel Costa and his team on the petrology of the Merapi Volcano in Indonesia.

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EOS Knowledge Capsule: Coastal Science

This Knowledge Capsule summarises the ongoing research of Associate Professor Adam Switzer and his team in the coastlines of Southeast Asia and the South China Sea.

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People-Coral-Mentawai - full movie

This documentary shows the methods used by scientists at the Earth Observatory of Singapore to develop a timeline of earthquakes in the West Sumatra region using data from corals.

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EOS Knowledge Capsule: Unlocking Climate Secrets

In this EOS Knowledge Capsule Earth scientist Nathalie Goodkin and her team take us underwater in search for coral colonies that are 300 to 500 years old.

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EOS Knowledge Capsule: Seismic Vibration Truck

The IVI Envirovibe is used to create images of active faults in the subsurface.

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EOS Knowledge Capsule: A Tale Of Two Tsunamis

Professor Kerry Sieh shows us how the information gathered from coastal geologic layers tells the story of two historic tsunamis.

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EOS Knowledge Capsule: A Tale Of Two Tsunamis - INDONESIAN SUBTITLES

This Knowledge Capsule summarizes the ongoing research of Prof. Kerry Sieh and his team and collaborators in the coastline of Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

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EOS Knowledge Capsule: A Tale Of Two Tsunamis - CHINESE SUBTITLES

This Knowledge Capsule summarizes the ongoing research of Prof. Kerry Sieh and his team and collaborators in the coastline of Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

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Model of a tsunami wave triggered by an earthquake

This animation shows the propagation of a tsunami in the Indian Ocean after an earthquake (Mw=8.2) on the Mentawai gap of the Sunda megathrust offshore Sumatra, Indonesia.

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Model of a tsunami triggered by a magnitude-9 earthquake

This animation shows the propagation of a tsunami triggered by a thrust earthquake of magnitude Mw=9 on the Manila Trench, Philippines.

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The effect of solidification on a propagating dyke: Experiment

Analogous experiment designed to investigate the effect of solidification on a propagating dyke.

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Collision between India and Asia over the past 50 million years

Animation showing the tectonic evolution of India and Asia over the past 50 million years.

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An animation of earthquake-induced tsunamis in Sumatra

Animation produced by the Tectonics Observatory, California Institute of Technology. Labels modified by EOS.

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