The tropics are home to millions of rivers including most of the largest rivers in the world. One of the key characteristics of the tropics is the huge annual/inter-variability of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the presence of a monsoon season. As a result, tropical regions are vulnerable to natural hazards like cyclones and floods. The countries around the tropics are also experiencing high population growth. To support the high populations, natural resources and rivers have been intensively exploited to support livelihoods and the local economy.
Significantly, natural hazards and human activities result in environmental alterations that modify the frequency and magnitude of river hydrology. Human-induced hydrological change has increased in complexity with the creation of new hydro-geomorphic patterns and stratigraphic layers on the Earth's surface.
Under the Tropical Rivers in the Anthropocene research programme, the Tropical Rivers Group at EOS aims to understand how rivers in the tropics respond to human impacts and natural disasters. Ultimately, we hope to contribute to the discussion and implementation of sustainable basin management.

In addressing our research goals, we use various approaches including remote
sensing, field surveys, and numerical modelling.