I use seismology and geophysics approaches to obtain quantitative observations, develop models and gain physical insights for a wide range of fundamental plate tectonic and earthquake physics questions. My research interests focus on earthquake source studies at regional to global scales and building seismic networks in SE Asia to address neotectonics and geodynamics questions.

My research can be divided into the following three categories:
1. Earthquake rupture process imaging and focal mechanism inversion
This work aims to develop and apply advanced methods to precisely and accurately determine kinematic and geometry parameters of earthquakes because quantifying these parameters is critical to understanding seismic hazard, earthquake physics, and plate tectonics.
2. SE Asia seismology
This work focuses on acquiring modern seismic observations in SE Asia countries (e.g. Singapore, Myanmar, and Indonesia) to study earthquakes, volcanoes, and earth structure. The outcomes of the project will improve seismic hazard planning and the understanding of plate tectonics.
3. Crustal to upper mantle scale velocity structure modelling/inversion
The goal of this work is to image earth structure at a range of spatial scales (i.e., a few km to hundreds of km), and interpret the results to better understand the geologic and dynamic processes of the earth.
Scientific Dataset